In 2017 In 2017, the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE carried out a survey to map the current state of sustainable public procurement in Finnish municipalities. Information was gathered using questionnaires, interviews, document analysis (strategies, guidelines, invitations to tender published in

Innovativeness in public procurements is manifest in different ways during the different stages of procurement (see Figure 1 below). In the procurement process , the opportunity to innovate can be taken into account in the procurement preparations, when specifying the object of procurement as well

Towards the end of 2018, the KEINO Competence Centre surveyed the current state of innovative and sustainable public procurement. In the first half of 2018 in the HILMA advertising channel, a questionnaire was sent to people who had published notices to determine 1) the prevalence of new innovative

One way to speed up sustainable and innovative public procurement is to apply for funding to support procurement preparation and planning. Depending on the financial service and the financier, funding can also be applied for the development and piloting work and investment costs of innovative

Finland uses approximately EUR 35 billion on public procurement each year, yet the state of strategic procurement management has never been studied before. KEINO conducted a survey in June–August 2018 to map the current state of the strategic management of sustainable and innovative public

KEINO change agents (KEINO-muutosagentti in Finnish) act as the local contact point for the competence centre, bringing KEINO's activities and support closer to public procurers locally. The work of KEINO change agents is funded by KEINO and their tasks are to: 1. provide information for the

Sustainable procurement involves the three key themes of sustainable development: environmental, social and economic responsibility . Environmentally friendly procurement Key goals include improving energy and material efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to reducing the use

Kestävien ja innovatiivisten hankintojen tekemiseen löytyy useita keinoja. Kansallinen hankintalaki (1397/2016) kannustaa ja mahdollistaa ympäristö- ja sosiaalisten näkökohtien huomioon ottamisen tehtäessä julkisia hankintoja. Hankintoja voidaan käyttää tehokkaammin julkisen kysynnän ohjauskeinona