KEINO is working as a network towards joint objectives of sustainable and innovative public procurement. Center has an annual workplan and a common budget, which partners form together. It is accepted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Motiva brings to the Competence Centre in

The green deal Agreement for Public Procurement is a voluntary, procurement-specific commitment which is made between the procurement unit and a government party. The contract model has been developed in cooperation with finnish procurement units and ministries. New procurement units are welcome in

Innovation Broker is an international operating model that aims to increase the quantity and quality of innovative procurements by identifying and gathering procurement data of procurement units and innovation data of companies. The goal of the Innovation Broker services is to support the

Keino offers free guidance and information on strategic management of public procuring, developing public procurement competence and cooperation and networking in public procurement. The services of the KEINO competence center are intended for those making and planning public procurements, as well

In 2020 KEINO conducted a survey, which was used to map the state of procurement competence for sustainable and innovative public procurement in Finland. The survey was carried out with the VN TEAS project/ ”Hankinta-Suomi” i.e. Procurement Finland Programme*. The first part of the survey focused on

The web services of the KEINO Competence Centre are governed by The Act on the Provision of Digital Services, which requires that public sector must be accessible. The KEINO Competence Centre works to promote equality in its web services, to ensure that they are user-friendly and available for all

Why is a strategic approach to public procurement important? Public procurement has a significant leverage effect on the economy and in addressing social and environmental challenges. The European directives identify this strategic approach to public procurement. The effectiveness of public spend

Public procurement teaching in Finland is offered in some higher education institutions and universities, normally as part of business education. In addition, more tailored public procurement courses are organized by private actors such as companies and associations. Universities of Applied Sciences